THE LVCE Approach

Lose 1 to 2 Dress Sizes, Boost Hormonal Production &

Improve Sleep Quality Without the Need of any Equipment

or Food Apps Right from your Home

The only 1:1 daily support 21 day Fat loss Kickstart program designed exclusively for the 55 and older mature body for less than $17 per day


Learning foundation for long lasting results

The LVCE approach is a program to Kickstart your fat loss using our unique roadmap for nutrition, mindset management and movement exclusively designed for your mature body to help you lose body fat, learn and apply your diet and bulletproof your mindset for optimal long term results in just 3 weeks.

100% Customized

1-1 daily reviews of every meal with recommendations

Optimal Fat Loss

Lose proper fat not just water weight

Mindset Support

Develop better habbits and learn new tools

Success Story

Here is a short personal story about one of our clients

Marie, 62 years old, joined the 21-day kickstart LVCE program because she was overweight, suffering from uncontrollable cravings and struggling to get a good night’s sleep. Also, she has a sedentary job working in an office so she had very little movement during the day.
Within days, she understood how to build a proper plate easily and the importance of adding Fiber to her diet.
By the end of the first week, she had eliminated her sugar cravings as it was NOW clear to her as to what was causing them.
On week 2 after losing one dress size, she started to incorporate simple morning walks for daily movement helping her to boost her metabolism even more. She noticed she was also sleeping better and still had no cravings.
Today after 21 days in the LVCE program she absolutely removed many bad habits, even those that contributed to her self-sabotage. All of which prevented her from attaining her goal to lose weight.

THE LVCE Approach

So What Is This Program?

It is NOT a cookie cutter weight loss program with generic information
Instead this is the result of decades of research on weight loss specifically designed for the over 55 year old’s slowing metabolism and unbalanced hormones that is proven to help lose body fat (not water) for the long term and also reduce body inflammation.
It is NOT a “lose fat as fast as possible” type of program
Instead within 21 days of following this program, you will not only you will lose 1 to 2 dress sizes but also will experience a significant improvement in your mindset by gaining clarity in your life and learning how to manage your habits. No more slaving over food apps or journaling.
It is NOT a time consuming program
This program is easy to follow with a 1:1 approach and full support. Everyday you will have fun learning new habits, modifications and expanding your knowledge about your own diet.

Follow the easy steps

The Lvce Approach

Learning through visualisation in 4 easy steps.

Plate 1

Fill half your plate with low-carbs veggies

Plate 2

Add Protein rich foods to a quarter of your plate

Plate 3

Use a final quarter of your plate for carbs that contain Fiber

Plate 4

Make sure they are healthy fat on your plate


Frequently Asked questions

Our program is designed to help committed individuals over 55 years old who want to understand how to create their own effective anti-inflammatory diet to lose body fat, improve hormonal balance and live in a pain free body for the long term.
Most definitely! This program is designed to put your body in the best state to boost your metabolism and activate the thermogenic effect. Belly fat which is also known as Visceral fat will naturally disappear by following our methodology regularly. Remember, we will be there for you on daily basis!

Absolutely not!
The entire program is designed to be done at home or anywhere without the need for any special equipment. We will help you to Understand and Apply recommendations specifically designed for YOU.
Actually you will learn how you can make your own diet work better for you so you will never need to log your food or journal ever again.

First you will receive, via email, a series of videos totally less than 2 hours of listening/watching time. You will be able to access them from your smart phone, tablet, computer or laptop.

Once you independently complete the entire video portion of the program you will then immediately start program by taking a picture with your phone of each meal and send them directly to Jocelyn, your nutrition specialist, for review and advise offering you on a true daily 1:1 approach.
2 group Q&A zoom sessions will be scheduled and attendance is recommended for all.

Yes we do!
This program is designed to help you lose 1 to 2 dress size and improve your hormonal production by day 21.
If you do not see any results please contact us via email and we will happily refund your money.

Our Fat Loss kickstart program featuring the LVCE approach takes 21 days to complete. 

We respect your time so we have surely considered people’s busy lives.
Initially, it takes less than 2 hours hear/watch all the videos. This can also be done in segments that work with your schedule.

After completing all the videos, you will immediately start taking photos of each of your meals and sending them to Jocelyn for review and advise so you can start to immediately improve your own diet one meal at a time. This is how you will start losing proper weight. There are also PDFs available for referencing.

In summary, watch less than 2 hours of videos, reference any PDFs and then snap a quick pic of your meals. So daily your commitment after watching the videos will be less then 30 minutes per day!


21 day kickstart Fat loss

Upgrade Plans

Upgrade your experience

The LVCE approach is the simplest and most effective way to understand the foundations of YOUR diet and start healthy weight loss.

Our team understands that some of you may want an even more personalized and premium approach with our coaches to accelerate weight loss.
We therefore offer a FREE Assessement Call on zoom for all individuals who are interested in joining a fully customized training with us and skyrocket their weight loss success.


What our clients say

Here are some examples about our clients during our programs. Check out what they say and the visuals will speak for themselves.

Meet our team

Jocelyn Weber &

Susan Lurie

The LVCE program was developed by a duo of professionals who combine 4 decades of experience in the field of nutrition and mindset.
Jocelyn Weber has been a nutrition specialist since 2010. He has coached over 800 people to help them find the right diet for their physiological and hormonal needs. He developed the LVCE approach with Susan Lurie to simplify nutrition for seniors.
Susan Lurie is a performance mindset coach. Since 1999, she has coached thousands of people of all ages with a variety of issues. She especially enjoys working with women 55 and over as she can relates to their lifestyle and struggles. She has helped clients suffering from anxiety, self sabotage, empty nesting and retirement, as well as many others.

Nutrition & movement specialist

Performance mindset coach

> 100% guarantee that you'll love this program, and if for whatever reason it is not for you, I'll return your money and let you keep the program anyway.

For any appropriate reason, if you want your money back you can get it because we only want to keep your money if you’re happy. All you have to do is go to and write in the subject line “gimme my money back” and you got it, we will respond asap as we do to all our support messages


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